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Metaverse as a new investment opportunity?

We will all live in Metaverse one day. Is the metaverse the future and can I invest in it? New industry equals new opportunities.

Metaverse. I’m sure many of you have heard that word many times lately. Some will have seen the predictions that within a couple of years life in the Metaverse will become a reality. People will go there both to work and to have fun in their free time. However, have you thought that in this case it could be a great investment opportunity?

How can I invest in the Metaverse?

Investment in Metaverse and Metaverse technology has grown significantly in the past year, with tech giants like Meta (FB) and Microsoft (MSFT) leading the way. According to Simeon Hyman, global investment strategist at ProShares Advisors, Metaverse represents an investment opportunity for individuals and institutions.

Metaverse digital cyber world technology

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Hyman commented on the outlook for stocks in the wake of the Fed raising interest rates and on investing in Metaverse. ProShares recently launched its Metaverse ETF (VERS), which aims to provide investment access to companies that are shaping the digital frontier.

The VERS ETF tracks Solactive’s Metaverse Thematic Index, which includes 40 companies across a wide range of industries – from data processors and software to social media and gaming – and uses algorithms to identify investment opportunities in Metaverse as it evolves. Some of the companies tracked include Apple (AAPL), NVIDIA (NVDA), Roblox (RBLX), Microsoft, Meta, Snap Inc (SNAP) and Unity (U).

What to expect?

Historically, we know that some of these transformational thematic ideas can be a very important part of the growth portion of your stock portfolio. However, these new innovative sectors are often very risky. But let’s be honest that if the predictions of the world transitioning to Metaverse are even partially fulfilled then we are creating an interesting investment opportunity. Whatever your opinion of Metaverse, at the very least this sector is certainly worth researching.

Bruno is an Investment enthusiast with several years of experience in the industry. He enjoys following the latest news and technology trends...


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