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Should gold be in your investment portfolio?

This article discusses the benefits and risks of investing in gold and whether you should have gold in your portfolio.

Investing in gold is possible through exchange-traded funds (ETFs), derivatives tracking the price of gold, such as futures or CFDs, purchasing shares in gold miners and related firms, and buying a physical commodity. 

Some believe gold is an outdated relic that no longer possesses monetary value. In the modern economy, paper currency is the preferred form of payment. They argue that the only benefit of gold is that it is a substance used in jewelry. On the opposite end of the spectrum are those who say gold is a unique and indispensable asset for investors’ portfolios due to its inherent features.

When it comes to investing, there are several alternatives available. Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are only a few of them. However, one investment that is frequently discussed is gold. Therefore the question arises, is gold a wise investment? This relies on a variety of variables.

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Consideration should be given to the existing economic condition. When the economy is robust, gold’s value tends to decrease. In contrast, gold tends to increase in value when the economy weakens. Let’s look at some examples of why anyone should invest in gold and have the precious metal in the portfolio.

Gold as a hedge against inflation

Inflation is another example. Gold is an effective hedge against inflation due to the fact that its buying power typically increases as prices begin to rise.

One ounce of gold was worth $35 in the early 1970s. Consider that, at that time, the investors had the option of possessing either an ounce of gold or $35. Both would purchase identical items, such as a brand-new business suit or a bicycle. 

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That same ounce of gold now, after the conversion to today’s dollars, would still be sufficient to purchase a new suit. That is not be valid with $35. In summary, the investors would have lost a significant portion of their wealth if they chose to keep the $35 instead of the one ounce of gold because the value of gold has climbed while the value of the dollar has decreased due to inflation.

Investing in gold is not without risks, though. For example, it might be challenging to locate a buyer when attempting to sell, and storage and insurance charges are also to consider. Therefore, whether gold is a viable investment for any given investor ultimately depends on their own circumstances.

Potential portfolio diversification value of gold

Diversification is a vital strategy for any portfolio since it may lower the exposure to risk and exposure to market circumstances. There are a number of methods to diversify, but one of the most frequent is to invest in precious metals such as gold to match other assets such as stocks, bonds, and property investment.

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Gold is a desirable asset for portfolio diversification due in part to its historical negative correlation with equities and other assets.

Price stability is an additional benefit

Compared to other market possibilities, the gold price is quite steady and does not decline significantly, even during a crisis. However, in reality, investors rush to buy gold anytime there is a financial market crisis, causing prices to rise rapidly.

When unfavourable news about a firm is released, the price of any stock on the stock market might fall to zero. This can never occur with gold, and it will always retain its market worth.

Gold is in short supply

One of the primary reasons why gold is so precious is supply and demand. Gold has a limited supply, making it a scarce, valuable metal. In addition, it is difficult and expensive to mine precious metals, requiring exploration to locate gold and processing to remove it from the soil.

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Even when gold is effectively extracted, it only produces a small amount. According to statistics from the World Gold Council, the worldwide mine output supply in 2021 was 3,560 metric tons, which was about 400 metric tons less than the overall demand (excluding over-the-counter) for the metal. Gold is a desirable store of wealth due, in part, to its limited supply and constant demand.

Growth of demand

The rising prosperity of developing economies increased the demand for gold. In the majority of nations, it is linked with culture. Indians purchase a great deal of gold, particularly during the wedding season, whereas China purchases gold bars as a traditional form of savings. The desire for gold has increased among investors as well.


Gold has always served as a tool for stability. Therefore, it is wise to add this precious metal to any investment portfolio. On the other hand, the investors should not expect some massive returns, but gold can grow in value slowly and steadily over the following years.


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